Ę new masks – Richard, Rasmus, Don Juan and their merry gang of killers are invading PAYDAY 2.Ę new weapons – Five new melee weapons including the mysterious 50 Blessings Briefcase and three new submachine guns including the classic Uzi.Items marked by the red Hotline Miami logo in this update can only be unlocked if you own the game Hotline Miami on Steam. Ěn awesome collaboration – OVERKILL and Dennaton Games, two independent studios, bring you an awesome collaboration.

Draw him out by sabotaging his operations in D.C. The hotline to him goes through a Russian, known as the Commissar, operating out of Miami. Ěn all-new heist – The dentist's long-term plans require leverage over Washington's District Attorney.Do you like hurting other people?The Hotline Miami DLC is the eleventh DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and is a collaboration between Dennaton Games and OVERKILL.Enjoy an all-new heist, five new melee weapons, three new submachine guns, a ton of mods and eight new masks, patterns and materials - all of it inspired from Hotline Miami.Key Features